California on track for November carbon auction

California firm on November carbon auction The California Air Resources Board (ARB) affirmed that its first carbon allowance auction is on schedule to take place on November 14, as planned. About 21.8 million California carbon allowances (CCAs) for delivery in 2013...

California carbon trading at $14.50

California carbon trading at $14.50 75,000 California carbon allowances (CCAs) traded this past week over the Intercontinental Exchange. The CCAs are to be delivered for use in 2013, the first year of the California carbon market. CCAs closed at $14.50 on Friday....

California holds carbon auction conference

California holds carbon auction conference Last week the California Air Resources Board (ARB) held a conference for entities that will be participating in the state’s carbon allowance auction on November 14. The meeting was held at the California Environmental...

California carbon credit supply to be short

California carbon credit supply to be short According to a report from the American Carbon Registry (ACR), the California carbon market will be significantly short of carbon offset credits. During the first phase of the market that runs from 2013-2014, there is a...

California carbon trading at $14.70

California carbon trading at $14.70 California carbon allowances (CCAs) closed at $14.70 at the end of the week. Trading was slow as regulated entities anticipate the first allowance auction scheduled for November 14. The California Air Resources Board will auction...