California carbon hits $19.25

California carbon hits $19.25 Prices for California carbon allowances surged to $19.25 a piece this week, bolstered by continued confidence that the California carbon market will launch as scheduled in January 2013. 90,000 CCAs traded over the Intercontinental...

145,000 California carbon allowances trade

145,000 California carbon allowances trade The price for California carbon allowances (CCAs) rose to $19.10, continuing an upward trend that now extends back a number of months. The California carbon market also saw solid volumes exchange hands, with 145,000 CCA...

London Olympics buying carbon offsets

London Olympics buying carbon offsets Striving to meet the London Olympics’ goal of conducting the international games in a sustainable manner, British Petroleum (BP) America will buy 400,000 carbon offset credits to cover the transportation emissions of US...

California carbon up to $19

California carbon up to $19 In a light week of trading, California carbon allowances (CCAs) for use in the state’s carbon market fetched a price as high as $19 each. For the past several weeks the price for CCAs has shot up, based on encouragement that the market is...

EPA to regulate heavy US emitters

EPA to regulate heavy US emitters The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirmed that it will only regulate the country’s largest emitters. This announcement comes a week after the US Court of Appeals upheld an earlier decision that the EPA is obligated to...