NASCAR Joins EPA on Environmental Initiatives

NASCAR joins EPA on Environmental Initiatives In order to raise the eco-awareness of its fan base, NASCAR has paired with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in a joint memorandum of understanding. NASCAR has begun using a variety of products that are certified...

California carbon trading at $15.40

California carbon trading at $15.40 California carbon allowances (CCAs) that will be used in the state’s carbon market closed at $15.40 at the end of the week, up $0.10 from the previous week. Over 65,000 CCAs traded on the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). For the...

Carbon Registry approving California offsets

Carbon Registry approving California offsets One of the major Carbon Registries in the voluntary offset market has announced that it will be accepting California Air Resources Board (ARB) approved offset projects. Currently the Registry is undergoing the ARB’s...

Walmart building 27 solar installations

Walmart building 27 solar installations Seeking to improve the efficiency of its super stores, Walmart has announced that it will be constructing solar projects at 27 of its Massachusetts locations. The projects should generate up to 10.5 megawatts (MW) of...

125,000 California carbon allowances trade

125,000 California carbon allowances trade Fetching a price of $15.30 each, 125,000 California carbon allowances (CCAs) traded on the Intercontinental Exchange this past week. The price remained steady following a public comment meeting where California Air Resources...