Google to Purchase 300,000 Carbon Offsets

Google to Purchase 300,000 Carbon Offsets In a step toward becoming a carbon-neutral company, Google has agreed to purchase 300,000 carbon credits. The credits will come from an offset project located in South Carolina, and will be registered on the Climate Action...

Analysis: Climate Bill Will Stimulate Job Creation

Analysis: Climate Bill Will Stimulate Job Creation A report on the Kerry-Lieberman American Power Act by the nonpartisan Peterson Institute of International Economics shows that the bill’s provisions would prompt $41.1 billion in investments in the electricity sector...

WSJ: How Cap-and-Trade Is Working in California

WSJ: How Cap-and-Trade Is Working in California When it comes to tackling global warming, “cap and trade” are words often heard but seldom put into practice. That may be about to change.   Experts thought the U.S. might adopt its own cap-and-trade...