Clinton attending Sustainability Conference

Clinton attending Sustainability Conference Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will attend the Rio+20 global sustainability conference sponsored by the United Nations this week in Brazil. Accompanying Sec. Clinton on this trip are Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...

California carbon trading at $15.50

California carbon trading at $15.50 The California carbon market continued to see high prices with California carbon allowances (CCAs) trading for a healthy $15.50. Allowance volumes were down as market players await further participation from larger regulated...

Green Assets contributes to Duke University Forest Study

Green Assets contributes to Duke University Forest Study Green Assets continued to build upon a strong relationship with Duke University, as we were acknowledged for contributing to a recent Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions study examining the...

California carbon market taking shape

California carbon market taking shape The California carbon market has been making significant headway in recent weeks as it moves toward its launch in January 2013. Two major carbon registries have begun accepting projects conducted under the California Air Resources...

Bank of America announces $50 billion green fund

Bank of America announces $50 billion green fund Bank of America (BofA) has set a target to invest $50 billion over the next ten years on initiatives focused on addressing climate change. This green fund will launch new clean energy projects while also improving...